The process started with the creation of the position with all its features. It is possible from now on to search for potential applicants in intern or among the CV from the CV database, according to the adequacy o their skills with those required by the job.
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The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Search the applicants
Access : Hiring > Jobs
- Click on the line to open the job opening sheet
- In 'Applications' click on:
- "Search the applicants" : search in the CV database. The search is also performed among the company's current employees who have already applied for another offer, they demonstrate internal mobility and are listed in the CV database.
- "Search the collaborators" : search is performed only among actual collaborators of the company
- a menu appears, the persons that have at least one skills in common with required skills and a percentage is calculated
- Click on 'See the gaps' to compare the required skills and the skills of the applicant
- Potential applicants are spotted, select them
- Click on 'Create an application for each collaborator selected' to put them in the hiring process: the menu closed
Applications are created! Click on an application to complete the sheet.
Here a demo that can help you:
Keywords associated to this article:
Applicants - applications - collaborators - CV - CV database - jobs - hiring - skills
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