The menu dedicated to the transfer of overtime hours from time and activity sheets allows you to view all overtime hours, at night, on public holidays, but also on-call and other special times such as travel, dressing, etc. to be transferred or already transferred to a compensation leave tracker or a target of hours to be paid (Payroll).
If the hours are transferred on a Compensation tracker (of the Leave and Absences module), the employees will be able to take those hours.
If the hours are transferred to payroll, they can be flagged as exported via 'Hours export to payroll' menu, in order to be paid to the employees.
Who is concerned by this article?
The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Approve the transfer of overtime hours and special times
To approve the transfer of hours, there are two solutions: individually or in mass
Approve the transfers individually in each timesheets
Access : Time and activities > Manager View
- If necessary, filter on department, branch, employees, period or archived data
- Select the status 'Approved'
- Enter in the timesheet
- Check the hours in the 'Hours worked' table at the bottom of the page
- Click on the pencil at the end of each line of the "Processing of hours worked" table to display the transfer menu. If the approval cycle for exceptional work requests is active, then the status of the requests is indicated in brackets.
- You can manually edit the amount of hours to be transferred
- Type a comment (optional)
- Proceed to the transfer of hours by clicking on the "Validate transfer" or "Validate all transfers" button if there are several of them
- The processing is complete.
Approve the transfers in mass
Access : Time and activities > Overtime transfer
- If necessary, filter on department, branch, employees, period or archived data
- Select the status 'To be transferred'
- Select the 'Target' (optional) to display the transfers according to the tracker in which the hours will be shifted
- Click on 'Display'
- Click on the pencil at the end of each line of the "Processing of hours worked" table to display the transfer menu. If the approval cycle for exceptional work requests is active, then the status of the requests is indicated in brackets.
- You can manually edit the amount of hours to be transferred
- Type a comment (optional)
- Proceed to the transfer of hours by clicking on the "Validate transfer" or "Validate all transfers" button if there are several of them
- Once the transfers approved, the line appears in the table 'Processing of hours worked' (because they are no longer in the status 'To be transferred' but in the status 'Transferred')
- The processing is complete.
In this case, there is no approval to be performed. |
Transfer of hours and exceptional work requests
If the approval cycle for exceptional work requests is active for the employee who has realized overtime hours then the transfer of hours to target trackers (payroll or compensation) follow the rules defines below.
Status of requests in transfers
The status of the requests is indicated in brackets in each transfer.
Status are :
- Approved : the hours or volumes of hours worked on the basis of overtime rules, night hours or other rules are identical to those requested and approved.
- Partially approved : only a part of the hours or volumes of hours worked on the basis of overtime rules, night hours or other rules are identical to those requested and approved.
- Not approved :the hours or volumes of hours worked on the basis of overtime rules, night hours or other rules have not been requested nor approved.
- Distribution of hours on target trackers (compensation or payroll for example)
In the event that the workshift performed do not exactly correspond to the requests for exceptional work, but that the volumes performed are:
- Identical: the distribution of hours between the target trackers is proposed according to the requests. Example: In one week, 1 additional hour on Monday requested to be paid, and 1 additional hour on Wednesday requested to be recovered, for a total of 2 hours. The employee works 2 overtime hours, but 1 on Wednesday, and 1 on Thursday: 1 hour will be proposed on the pay tracker, and 1 hour on the compensation tracker
- Lower: the distribution of hours among the target trackers is performed in the order in which the requests are created.
For example :
In one week, 2 paid overtime hours requested (request created on 01/11) and 1 additional hour on Wednesday requested to be recovered (request created on 03/11), for a total of 3 hours. The employee finally works 2 hours and 30 minutes in overtime: 2 hours will be offered on the pay tracker, and 30 minutes on the recovery tracker
Higher: the distribution of hours among the target trackers is carried out according to the requests for the volume of hours corresponds to the requests, then in the order of definition of the targets in the workshift for the time not requested.
In all cases, the hour limits on the target trackers are respected.
Automatic transfer
It is possible that the transfers have been configured to be automatic. In this case, you do not need to approve them except if exceptional work requests are mandatory and if they do not correspond to hours declared. Transfers then switch to manual mode and must be managed by one of the managers or administrators.
Keywords associated to this article:
Overtime hours - manual transfer - automatic transfer - weekly theoretical - hourly theoretical - target - workshift - overtime management - number of overtime hours
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