You want to dematerialize payslips and make them available to your employees? With Eurecia, it is a piece of cake! 🎂️
Importing pay slips allows to automatically file them to their respective employee records.
The system relies on the insurance national number and employee names. It is thus important these are perfectly matching!
Who is this article intended for?
Administrators and managers responsible for the distribution of all pay slips.
- Fill in, for all employees, in their record, their national insurance number, first and last names. These details must be identical in both your payroll software and Eurécia.
- Pay slips must be in PDF 1.5 format or higher.
Importing pay slips
Access : Payroll > Extract and integrate payslips > Import a new file
- Click on "
" in order to import a new file.
- Fill in a 'Description'. If you do not put any detail, the system will automatically fill in the current month and year.
- Choose the month and year of the pay slips to be imported. By default the system is set to the current month and year.
- Select the file to be imported by clicking on 'Browse'. Search for the file to be imported.
- And, click on 'Step 4 - Start import' :
The import file must not be password protected or encrypted. Any encryption or protection will make the file unreadable by the platform. |
Analysing the import result
A log displays the results:
- Pay slips imported with success are displayed with their respective employee's name.
- PDF pages of pay slips are mentioned as well.
- A 'Log file for import' is created. It gathers details about any error.
- Any pay slip referring to a national insurance number not referenced in Eurécia will be rejected.
- Any pay slip referring to employees with the same national insurance number will be rejected.
Note : MULTI-CONTRACTS Employees' pays slips with multi-contracts, have to be processed manually. It is therefore advised either to differentiate employee records by contract (to have as many records as contracts) or to process them manually, per employee. The import cannot be done automatically. Also, in the case of account management with division by department/structure, these contracts and pay slips should be attached manually to the employee file. |
If the import is not working, it is advised to review at first that the file is indeed in PDF text format. Check the following: open your import file and try to select some text. If you are able to do it, then your file has indeed the right PDF format. May you not be able to do so, then you should review the file's format with the relevant department. |
Notifying employees
Employees can be notified by email whenever a new pay slip is available.
For this purpose, when importing, it si advised to click on 'Notify employees':
- A message is then displayed on the screen.
- Once completed, a message will notify the action was successful.
Consulting imported pay slips
Access : HR Tracking > Employee records
Imported pay slips are available in employee records. They can be exported at any time by clicking on the PDF logo.
If this service was to be terminated, users should be informed at least 3 months before the date of closure of the said service, in order to allow them to download the stored pay slips. This rule also applies in the event of the end of your activity, more particularly if you are directly responsible for the conservation of dematerialized pay slips. Finally, employees must be able to download all their dematerialized pay slips at any time, without having to carry out complex or repetitive operations, and in a structured and commonly used electronic format. |
Keywords associated to this article :
Payslips - dematerialized - dematerialized pay slips - Notify employees - pay slips import - log file for import - financial data - download pay slips - employee data - pdf - Star import - social security number - available pay slips - national insurance number
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