Who is concerned by this article?
The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Calculation of exchange rates
Currencies are automatically updated in Eurécia according to Banque de France information's.
Depending on the currency, it will be automatically and daily updated (yesterday's currency will be update between 1 pm and 2 pm, according to Paris Hour, except on weekends and bank holidays) or monthly updated (every 12th between 2 am and 3 am, Paris Hour).
When can I input an expense?
To enter a daily expense in a foreign currency, please wait the day after, 2 pm, Paris hour to inform it.
For example: you will be able to enter an expense in dollars (USD) the day after the expense was made. Eurécia will automatically convert it depending on the exchange rate of the day the expense was made.
So, please be careful, differentiate the day the expense was actually made and date you will type the expense.
How to define a default currency?
For a currency to be proposed by default when creating an expense report, you need to configure it from the company record.
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Open the company record
- Open the company record
- Go to 'Configuration'
- In 'user default settings'
- In 'Currency (default)', select the currency
- Save
Keywords associated to this article:
Expense reports - exchange rate - default currency - conversion - company record - record -
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