Some amounts appear in red and expenses have not been fully reimbursed? An amount appeared in the zone 'to reimburse' immediately when you input the expense type? It is a limited expense.
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All users of Eurécia.
Interpret the amounts
- If an amount has been fixed, a fixed amount will be reimbursed to you, regardless of the amount of the expense. The amount to be refunded normally appears, followed by the amount actually spent: below, in green
- If a limit has been fixed, the amount to be reimbursed appears in red followed by the amount really spent: below, in blue
After having submitted for approval the expense report:
- The approval manager accepts to remove the limit for the expense, ant the amount appears in red: above, in pink
- There may be a limit on the expense and if this is the case and it is not reached, the amount spent normally appears, it will be fully reimbursed: above, in yellow
- Next to 'Reimbursement' appears the global amount to be reimbursed
Keywords associated to this article:
Expense reports - professional expenses - amounts - reimbursed - reimbursement - expenses limits
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