To be able to easily view the internal available resources or target the missing ones tin order to set up an action plan, you can have access to a Job mapping.
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The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Obtain a Job mapping
Access : Skills > JobsTypes
Create a family of jobs
The mapping can be organized by family of jobs.
It is then necessary to add jobs, define their scope of action, find the skills associated with them and the employees who practice them, inform trends in development and even define internal recruitment objectives.
- To create a new group of jobs, click on '+ New entry' : define a name and click on 'Create' and 'Close'.
- The family appears in the list, with 3 available icons:
- To assign a job to this family,
- To modify the name
- To delete the family.
Add jobs in the mapping
- It is possible to create a profession independently of a family or to do it directly from a family
- To do so, click on the first icon
- Define the family to which the job is associated to and click on 'Create and close'
- The jobtype appears : fill-in the definition and the activities
Keywords associated to this article:
Skills - module - action plan - mapping - jobs - profession - family - associated
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