To automate the management of hours worked outside working hours and/or sometimes subject to surcharges, the Eurécia platform offers a management divided into several steps.
Who is concerned by this article?
The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
- Set up the processing of declared overtime within time and activity sheets, or even their increase (export to payroll or to a compensation tracker),
- Manage requests for exceptional work, for example, requests for overtime, night hours, work on a public holiday, etc. before the hours are even completed.
This article presents all the features to manage overtime, special times, standby times, requests for exceptional work and the approval cycle for the latter. |
Perimeter (non exhaustive list)
- Overtime hours,
- Hours realized on public holidays,
- Hours realized on non-working days,
- Night shift calendars,
- Standby,
- Intervention time during standby,
- Clothing time,
- Waiting time,
- Trip time,
- Delegation
Configuration in 5 steps
Step 1 - Authorize the management of overtime hours and other surcharges
Step 2 -Define time types in case of special time management
Step 3 - Create the trackers in which hours will be transferred
Step 4 - Set up recovery and/or surcharge rules in working hours
Step 5 - Configure rules of the approval cycle of exceptional work requests
Step 1 - Authorize the management of overtime hours and other surcharges
Access : Admin Area > Company
- Open the company record
- Go to 'Configuration' Tab then in 'Time and activities settings'
- Check '
- Save.
Step 2 - Define time types in case of special time management
Time types allow to create categories of work time (standby, trip time, clothing time etc) those categories are configured in the workshift of the employee.
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Company record > Configuration tab > Time type
In the Time type table :
- Create the time type
- Fill-in the code and a description
- Select the 'Category'
- Check 'Effective working time' for the time to be considered as worked and included in the amount of hours worked
- Approve the line
- Repeat the process for every time added
It is possible to create hierarchies that allow you to analyze the hours worked over a set of time types. For example, in the time type 'Standby', it is possible to create day and night standby, intervention time during standby and trip standby.
Step 3 - Create the trackers in which hours will be transferred
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Staff leave types
- Create a 'New absence type': it will be used as a switch-over tracker for hours (overtime, night, standby time, etc.) from time and activities sheets (from the Time & Activities module)
- Fill-in a description (ex : Compensation)
- Check 'Overtime management' in 'Time and activities' section to access to this tracker in 'Weekly overtime management' in the workshifts
- Save
- Repeat the process if necessary
Step 4 - Set up recovery and/or surcharge rules in working hours
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Workshift calendars
- Open the workshift concerned
- Go to 'Weekly overtime management' Tab
Several rules types can be configured according different criteria:
- Weekly overtime hours : hours worked in excess of, below or between two hourly volumes, on a weekly basis (Monday to Sunday)
- Night shift calendars : hours realized beyond a planned workshift
- Non-working days: hours realized on non-worked days (For example: Sunday)
- Public holidays : hours realized on public holidays
- Special times : Standby, Intervention time during standby, Clothing time, Waiting time, Trip time ..
- Rule for accrual : hours realized on a night shift calendar on a day that is theoretically not worked and a public holiday, for example
Vocabulary point
- 'No transfer' : does not propose to realize the transfer when approving the activity or time sheets.
- 'Automatic transfer' : automatically shift hours to a tracker when approving the activity or time sheets.
- 'Manual transfer' : allows to manually shift hours to the appropriated tracker.
Weekly overtime hours
This feature allows to count hours worked outside the workshift assigned to the employee.
Those weekly overtime hours can be paid, increased or transferred to a compensation tracker.
Likewise, if hours have not been worked, they can be taken from the same type of tracker.
It is possible to base the calculation of those hours from the theoretical workshift, on the workshift considering leave and absences or from a fixed valued, keeping a limit to not cross.
Vocabulary point
'Number of fixed hours' allows you to define the number of hours at which the calculation of overtime hours must be initiated.
'Weekly theoretical' refers to the workshift calendar, deducting leave and absences, public holidays of certain week (If they are configured to appear in the time sheets).
'Hourly theoretical' only refers to the workshift calendar.
Absences deducted are those that are not counted as worked and that have to be deducted from planned working time. |
- In 'Calculate overtime and annualisation based on tab' select 'Time' if overtime hours have to be calculated from the 'Time' tab or 'Activities' if overtime hours have to be calculated from the 'Activity' tab
- In 'Weekly overtime management' click on ' + ' to add a rule
- Fill-in the 'Code' it allows a tracking of transfers (e.g. OTH125, for overtime increased to 25%), especially within timesheets and activities and exports for payroll
- Fill-in a 'Comment' (e.g. : Overtime hours increased to 25%)
- In following drop-down menus: select the following values '>', '<' or 'between’
- If you selected 'between' a drop-down list allows to define a timeslot : the calculation of overtime hours will initiate when the amount of worked hours during the week is between the time slots defined.
- Then, in the following menus: select 'Number of fixed hours', 'Weekly theoretical' or 'Hourly theoretical'
- If 'Number of fixed hours' has been selected, define the number of hours worked from which overtime will be calculated
Configuration examples
- Hourly theoretical (negative hour calculation) :
- If the hourly theoretical is 35 hours,
- The hours counted and initiating processing will be those less than 35 hours
- Weekly theoretical (negative hour calculation) :
- If the hourly theoretical is 35 hours,
- That there is a day of paid leave over the week that is not counted as theoretical working time (7 hours a day),
- Then the hourly theoretical is 28 hours,
- So the hours counted as overtime over this week will be those less than 28 hours
- Weekly theoretical + 4 hours (from 00:00) :
- If the hourly theoretical is 35 hours,
- That there is a day of paid leave over the week that is not counted as theoretical working time (7 hours a day),
- Then the hourly theoretical is 28 hours,
- So the hours counted as overtime over this week will be those superior to 32 hours (28 h + 4 h)
- Between hourly theoretical + 4 hours and weekly theoretical + 8 hours :
- If the hourly theoretical is 35 hours,
- That there is a day of paid leave over the week that is not counted as theoretical working time (7 hours a day),
- Then the hourly theoretical is 28 hours,
- Therefore, the hours counted as overtime over this week will be those between 32:00 and 36:00
- Number of fixed hours : 35 hours
- Regardless of the number of theoretical hours of the work shift or week
- It does not matter whether there is a day of paid leave
- The hours counted and initiating processing over this week will be those less than 35 hours
- Number of fixed hours : 44 hours
- Regardless of the number of theoretical hours of the work shift or week
- It does not matter whether there is a day of paid leave
- The hours counted and initiating processing over this week will be those less than 44 hours
- Between Number of fixed hours 35 hours and Number of fixed hours 39 hours :
- The hours counted and initiating processing over this week will be those between 35 hours and 40 hours
- Between weekly theoretical + 0 hours and Number of fixed hours 35 hours :
- If the hourly theoretical is 35 hours,
- That there is a day of paid leave over the week that is not counted as theoretical working time (7 hours a day),
- Then the hourly theoretical is 28 hours,
- The hours counted and initiating processing over this week will be those between 28 hours and 35 hours
This is a non-exhaustive list, other configuration options are available.
- Choose the transfer type : 'No transfer', 'Automatic transfer' or 'Manual transfer'
- Choose the 'target' , in which tracker the hours needs to be shifted. It exists 2 types of targets:
- Trackers from 'Leave and absences types'
- Or 'Payroll' to handle overtime hours to be paid
- Fill-in if necessary, the multiplier coefficient to be applied (e. g. 125%, 150%, etc.)
- Define a 'Maximum number of hours remaining at tracker end period'
For example :
If the field is filled in this way, the 'Compensation day' tracker will have a maximum balance of 14 hours.
This means that the employee can have a maximum of 14 hours in 'stock'.
In this case, it is possible to define a 2nd target that allows you to retrieve any excess hours to be transferred so that the employee does not lose them, even during automatic transfers. The order in which the targets are created is then decisive.
- Click on 'Add a target' and repeat the previous operations if necessary.
- When setting successive time slots, repeat the end limit of the 1st slot in the beginning limit of the 2nd slot in order to ensure the continuity of the consideration of overtime.
For example :
1st calculation rule at 25 %, fill-in: 125 % (from 35:00 (excluded) to 39:00 (included))
2nd calculation rule at 50 %, fill-in: 150 % (from 39:00 (excluded) to 44:00 (included))
- Save the work shift calendar.
Night shift calendars
This feature allows to retrieve or/and increase hours worked during the night.
- In 'Night shift calendars' tab, click on '+' to add a night shift calendar
- Fill-in the 'Code' it allows a tracking of transfers, especially within timesheets and activities and exports for payroll
- Fill-in a 'Comment'
- Check 'Exclude' if hours worked do not have to enter in the calculation of overtime hours
- Fill-in the start time (e.g. : 10:00 pm) and end time (e.g. : 05:00 am)
- Choose the transfer type : 'No transfer', 'Automatic transfer' or 'Manual transfer'
- Choose the 'target' , in which tracker the hours needs to be shifted. It exists 2 types of targets:
- Trackers from 'Leave and absences types'
- Or 'Payroll' to handle overtime hours to be paid
- Fill-in if necessary, the multiplier coefficient to be applied (e. g. 125%, 150%, etc.)
- Define a 'Maximum number of hours remaining at tracker end period'
- Add a time slot and repeat the process.
- Save the workshift
Non-working days
This feature allows to retrieve or increase the hours worked on non-worked days.
- In 'Non-working days' tab, click on '+' to add a non-working day
- Fill-in the 'Code' it allows a tracking of transfers, especially within timesheets and activities and exports for payroll
- Fill-in a 'Comment'
- Check 'Exclude' if hours worked do not have to enter in the calculation of overtime hours
- Choose the concerned day
- Check ' Trigger the overtime even if the day is worked for hours that have been worked on this day, to be automatically increased
- Choose the transfer type : 'No transfer', 'Automatic transfer' or 'Manual transfer'
- Choose the 'target' , in which tracker the hours needs to be shifted. It exists 2 types of targets:
- Trackers from 'Leave and absences types'
- Or 'Payroll' to handle overtime hours to be paid
- Fill-in if necessary, the multiplier coefficient to be applied (e. g. 125%, 150%, etc.)
- Define a 'Maximum number of hours remaining at tracker end period'
- Add a non-working day and repeat the process.
- Save the workshift
Public holidays
This feature allows to retrieve or increase the hours worked on public holidays according to the public holidays from the calendar.
- In 'Public holidays' tab
- Fill-in the 'Code' it allows a tracking of transfers, especially within timesheets and activities and exports for payroll
- Fill-in a 'Comment'
- Check 'Exclude' if hours worked do not have to enter in the calculation of overtime hours
- Choose the transfer type : 'No transfer', 'Automatic transfer' or 'Manual transfer'
- Choose the 'target' , in which tracker the hours needs to be shifted. It exists 2 types of targets:
- Trackers from 'Leave and absences types'
- Or 'Payroll' to handle overtime hours to be paid
- Fill-in if necessary, the multiplier coefficient to be applied (e. g. 125%, 150%, etc.)
- Define a 'Maximum number of hours remaining at tracker end period'
- Add a time slot and repeat the process.
- Save the workshift
Special times
This feature allows to retrieve or increase the hours realized on special times. Only the employees that have this configuration in their workshift will be able to declare those times in the time and activity sheets.
- In 'Special times' tab, click on '+' to add a special time
- Fill-in the 'Code' it allows a tracking of transfers, especially within timesheets and activities and exports for payroll
- Fill-in a 'Comment'
- Choose the time type among the available list
- Define the countdown mode (from... to, greater than, less than) in the 'Total declared time' column and enter the corresponding hours
- Define if the 'Relevant period' of the time declared is 'week' or 'day'
- Check 'Exclude' if hours worked do not have to enter in the calculation of overtime hours
- Choose the transfer type : 'No transfer', 'Automatic transfer' or 'Manual transfer'
- Choose the 'target' , in which tracker the hours needs to be shifted. It exists 2 types of targets:
- Trackers from 'Leave and absences types'
- Or 'Payroll' to handle overtime hours to be paid
- Fill-in if necessary, the multiplier coefficient to be applied (e. g. 125%, 150%, etc.)
- Define a 'Maximum number of hours remaining at tracker end period'
- Repeat the process if necessary.
- Save the workshift
Standby examples :
- If I want a 100% recovery of the first 7 hours of the week, being in standby, and a recovery with an increase of 25% to pay for the following ones, the configuration must be as follows:
Add a 'Standby' special time
- In the column 'Total declared time' from '00:00 am to 07:00 am' or less than 07:00 am
- In the column 'Relevant period' select 'week'
- In the column 'Target' select to be sent to 'Compensation' and add % of hours 100 %
Add another 'Standby' special time
- In the column 'Total declared time' greater than 07:00 am
- In the column 'Relevant period' select 'week'
- In the column 'Target' select to be sent to 'Compensation' and add % of hours 100 % then add a target to 'Payroll' and add % of hours 25%
- If I want a 100% recovery of the first 8 hours of the day, the next 8 hours must be recovered and increased by 25% and for the next hours, I want them to be paid double, the setting must be as follows:
Add a 'Standby' special time
- In the column 'Total declared time' from '00:00 am to 08:00 am' or less than 08:00 am
- In the column 'Relevant period' select 'day'
- In the column 'Target' select to be sent to 'Compensation' and add % of hours 100 %
Add another 'Standby' special time
- In the column 'Total declared time' from '08:00 am to 04:00 pm'
- In the column 'Relevant period' select 'day'
- In the column 'Target' select to be sent to 'Compensation' and add % of hours 100 % then add a target to 'Payroll' and add % of hours 25%
Add another 'Standby' special time
- In the column 'Total declared time' greater than 04:00 pm
- In the column 'Relevant period' select 'day'
- In the column 'Target' select to be sent to 'Payroll' and add % of hours 200%
Rule for accrual
In the absence of a rule for accrual for the defined multiplier coefficients, they are added together.
Example: If an employee works on a Sunday that is also a public holiday, 200% from the setting of rules on days not worked, as well as 200% from the setting of rules on public holidays, for a total of 400%.
If specific accumulation rules exist, for example hours worked on a public holiday must be subject to a multiplier of 300% instead of 400%, then rules must be created in case of accumulation.
- In 'Rule for accrual' tab, click on '+' to add a rule
- Fill-in the 'Code' it allows a tracking of transfers, especially within timesheets and activities and exports for payroll
- Fill-in a 'Comment'
- Select the two 'Codes' of rules that involve different accumulations
- Define the countdown mode (from... to, greater than, less than) in the 'Total declared time' column and enter the corresponding hours
- Define if the 'Relevant period' of the time declared is 'week' or 'day'
- Check 'Exclude' if hours worked do not have to enter in the calculation of overtime hours
- Choose the transfer type : 'No transfer', 'Automatic transfer' or 'Manual transfer'
- Choose the 'target' , in which tracker the hours needs to be shifted. It exists 2 types of targets:
- Trackers from 'Leave and absences types'
- Or 'Payroll' to handle overtime hours to be paid
- Fill-in if necessary, the multiplier coefficient to be applied (e. g. 125%, 150%, etc.)
- Define a 'Maximum number of hours remaining at tracker end period'
- Repeat the process if necessary.
- Save the workshift
The rules for accrual in the event of accumulation must identify, one by one, all possible combinations of accumulation (non-working day, non-night working day, non-night working day, non-night working day and public holiday). It is not possible to combine rules on special times with rules on overtime, night, public holidays, or days not worked. |
Eurécia allows users to make exceptional work requests, in other words, to ask to work outside normal working hours.
Those requests will follow the predefined approval cycle, for example:
- The employee make the request and the manager approves it.
- The manager make a request and the employee approves it.
- Once the request has been approves, it is possible to enter the event in the resource calendar.
The entry of time and activity sheets is not affected by the requests. The hours declared in the sheets are independent of the requests made.
Only the hours actually reported in the time and activity sheets will eventually be transferred to compensation trackers or payroll. These transfers will take into account the requests and their status (approved, refused).
By default, it is not possible for users to make requests. In the 'Approval cycle' table, no rules (overtime, night hours, etc.) are allowed to make requests for exceptional work. The rules are defined with the value 'Prohibited' in the field 'Exceptional work request'.
To allow users to make requests for exceptional work, in the 'Approval cycle' table, for each rule previously set:
- Exceptional work request: Allows you to define whether a work request is:
- Mandatory : the user must have made a request, that it is approved, and that the hours declared in the sheet correspond to the request so that the transfers of hours to the target trackers are automated (if they are defined automatically). If the transfer is manual, it will remain so
- Authorized : the user can make a request. If it is approved and the hours declared in the sheet correspond to the request, then the information that the hours have been requested and approved will be present, and the transfers of hours to the target trackers will be automated (if they are defined automatically)
- Prohibited: the user will not be able to formulate a request that would generate this type of rule, he will be blocked when creating his request. For example, requests for work on public holidays are prohibited.
- Allow to choose the target tracker of the transfers: allows the creator of the request to choose the target (pay, compensation). This choice is only possible if several targets have been defined in one of the overtime, night, etc. rules. For example, for overtime hours from 35 h to 39 h, manual transfer of completed hours to pay or to the compensation tracker.
- Advance notice: allows you to define a minimum number of days to be respected between the date of the request and the requested date. It may be:
- Blocked: submission for approval of the request is not allowed
- Alert: submission for approval of the request is allowed and a message is displayed to the user
- No: no minimum number of days is required
- Automatic approval: allows to define an automatic approval of a request</Cancellation cycle: allows to request the cancellation of a request already approved. The request then follows the same cycle as during the initial approval.
Keywords associated to this article:
Overtime hours - manual transfer - automatic transfer - weekly theoretical - hourly theoretical - target - workshift - overtime management - number of overtime hours
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