The dematerialization of expense report receipts makes it possible to convert to PDF and time-stamp the documents supporting business expenses by a trusted third party.
The supporting documents then have the same legal value as the original documents.
Who is concerned by this article?
The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Configure probative supporting documents
To enable this feature on Eurécia, it's easy! The video below details the process step by step (subtitles in English available):
Access : Admin Area > Expense reports > Profiles and Groups
- Click on a expense report profile
- In 'Expenses Input' check 'Dans l'encadré 'saisie des dépenses', cocher la case 'Justificatifs à valeur probante'
The expenses types of the expense profile (except 'Km expenses') will be modified to make 'add a receipt' mandatory in the expenses reports.
If some expenses types do not need supporting documents, you just need to disable in 'Supporting documents' 'Input mandatory' in the expense type:
Create an expense with a probative supporting document
Access : Expense reports > My expense reports
When creating an expense with an added receipt, the mention 'Your file will be authenticated' appears and indicates that the feature is enabled for the expense type you are creating.
When clicking on 'Save', the field 'Reference' will be automatically filled-in (it is editable).
These logos allow to track the status of the receipt:
- If after having saved the expense, the logo is in black , then the receipt has been correctly authenticated.
- If it appears in red, authentication has failed. You need to add it again or take another picture of the receipt. If it still doesn't work, contact Eurécia Assistance Service.
Retroactivity and deletion
To authenticate old receipts, they should be deleted and reintegrated into each expense. There is no retroactivity when activating the function on receipts already included in expense reports.
If an expense or expense report is directly deleted in Eurécia, the receipts will be lost and no alert message will be displayed. |
Keywords associated to this article:
Expense reports - Reimbursement - professional expenses - receipts - OCR - Optical Character Recognition
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