Eurécia offers the possibility to simplify the calculation and management of kilometers allowances. Indeed, thanks to Eurécia, you just need to input some information for the calculation to be automatic. This article is intended for French companies
Who is concerned by this article?
The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Apply the official french kilometer expenses schedule with automatic adjustments
Access : Admin Area > Expense reports > Profiles and Groups
- Click on the expense report profile concerned
- Choose the expense type 'km expenses'
- Go to 'Payment'
- Type : choose 'km expenses'
- Kilometer expenses schedule : choose 'Eurécia - French kilometer expense schedule with automatic adjustments (car, motorcycle)
- Save
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Employees and users > Personal data
- Go to 'Personal means of transport'
- Fill-in each vehicle the employee uses, you need to fill in (mandatory) at least the vehicle type and the Fiscal horsepower:
Apply another kilometer expense schedule
In the case you need to apply a specific kilometer expense schedule, contact the Assistance Service to ask to create a new template for each type of kilometer expense schedule that you can apply. |
Once you set up the template associated, you need to configure the rates. Those rates can vary according to the vehicle used (car, motorcycle), according to the number of kilometers realized, to the date of the travel and the number of fiscal horsepower.
If another kilometer expense schedule applies with other conditions, create a new kilometer expense schedule and associate it to the same template: Create a specific kilometer expense schedule.
To apply the kilometer expense schedule:
Access : Admin Area > Expense reports > Profiles and Groups
- Click on the expense profile concerned
- Choose the expense type 'Km expenses'
- Go to 'Payment' A
- Type : choose 'Km expenses'
- Kilometer expense schedule: choose the name of the associated template
- Save
Keywords associated to this article:
Expense reports - Reimbursement - professional expenses - travel - expenses - km expenses - number of kilometers - expense schedule - kilometers expenses - coefficient
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