You can add shared documents that can be viewed by all users of the platform.
Who is concerned by this article?
The Administrators of Eurécia.
Share a document
Access : HR Portal> Shared documents
To add your documents :
- Click on 'Add a document'
- Attache a file by clicking on 'browse'.
- Check 'Notify by email' if you want your employees to be notified when a new document is shared.
You can restrict the visibility of documents:
- By department
- By branch
- By user customs lists
- By professional status
- Exception by user
You just need to click on 'activate' and select the type of visibility you want to apply (All, None, Restricted)
Consult a shared document
- Click on the icon
Note : Only administrators can add documents. |
Keywords associated to this article:
Share documents - add - elements - visibility - restrictions
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