Employees are coming to the end of their employment contracts? Do you wish to archive all data related to these employees?
Good news! In just a few clicks, you are able to archive their files and record all their data safely 😉!
Who is this article intended for?
Administrators for the Eurécia platform.
Whenever an employee is leaving, we recommend to archive the account. Indeed, this will remove them from current user but still record all their data within the system. Consequently, may they come back or need some information, these data will still be available. |
In this article :
- Filling in a contract end date in the employee record
- Archiving an account
- Accessing archived employee records
Filling in a contract end date in the employee record.
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Employees and users
- Open the record for the relevant employees clicking on their respective names.
- Click on the 'Staffing' tab.
- Fill in a 'Contract end date' and the 'Contract end reason'.
- Save.
Caution ! Once a end date is set, the user will not be able to log in to the software. |
Archive an account
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Employees and users
- Open the record for the relevant employees clicking on their name.
- In 'Administration' Tab > Platform access : deactivate 'User' and check 'User archived'.
- Save.
Accessing archived employee records
Access: Admin Area> General parameters > Employees and users
- Select the "Display employees" filter and choose "Archived".
- Click on "Display".
We do not recommend to delete users, that is why the feature 'deleted' is blocked. If archiving a user is not enough, to be able to permanently delete a user, contact the Assistance service by writing to support@eurecia.com.
Keywords associated to this article :
Archive the employee record - contract end date - platform acess - departure - contract end reason - end of contract - billing
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