Would you like to import your catalog of skills or professions? Here's a simple guide to help you do just that!
Who is this article for?
Admins of the platform as configuration managers.
What's covered in this article:
- Prerequisites
- Step 1: Importing Skills
- Step 2: Importing Professions
- Step 3: Importing the Skills/Professions Link
This process must be performed directly by the Talent section administrator.
Files must follow the "CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (.csv) or "Excel Workbook (.xlsx)" format.
If you already have skills entered into Eurécia, prior to importing, we recommend exporting your skills. Since June 2023, codes have been automatically generated. Thus, by exporting your skills, you ensure a duplicate-free import 😉
Step 1: Importing Skills
Access: Admin Space > Skills > Imports > Skills
The mandatory fields for import are as follows:
- Skill code
- Skill name
- Key skill (TRUE or FALSE)
The domain and type are not mandatory but highly recommended for easier reading and grouping later on.
The skill code must be unique.
If a skill already exists with the same code, it will be updated upon import.
Here's the detailed process:
- If skills contain a different code from the skills already present in Eurécia, they will be added.
- If skills contain the same code as the skills already present in Eurécia, they will be updated.
1. Navigate to Admin Space > Talent Modules > Skills,
2. In the 'Imports' section, choose 'Skills',
3. Click on 'Choose a file', select the desired file, and click 'Next':
4. Leave the encoding format as 'UTF-8' and the field delimiter, then click 'Verify':
5. Associate the columns of your file with each relevant Eurécia field and click 'OK'.
The example below shows:
- The 'Skill code' (Code de la compétence) column, referring to the skill identifier.
- The "Skill" (Compétence) column, referring to the skill name.
- The "Name" (Nom (en)) column, referring to the English translation of each skills' names. Relevant languages must be selected.
- The "Domaine", referring to the skill family (For example, are we talking about soft or hard skills?).
- The "Clef", by which we determine if a skill is important or not to have (A "key" or essential skill).
- The "Description", describing what the skill is all about. Each language must be selected.
6. A confirmation step with the number of skills present in the file will appear. Click 'Inject':
Once finished, the next screen will display a summary of the import results.
Step 2: Importing Professions
Access: Admin Space > Skills > Imports > Professions
The mandatory fields for import are as follows:
- Profession code
- Profession name
The profession family is not mandatory but highly recommended for easier reading and grouping later on.
The profession code must be unique.
If a profession exists with the same code, it will be updated upon import.
Step 3: Importing the Skills/Professions Link
Access: Admin Space > Skills > Imports > Skills/Professions Link
The mandatory fields for import are as follows:
- Skill code
- Profession code
- Required level
Keywords associated with this article:
import - skill - skills - importing - download - profession - catalog - talent - update - updating
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