It is possible to forbid leave requests during a period of the year based on specific criteria: the staff leave profile of the employee, a customized list, a department, etc...
It is also possible to forbid a specific period of leave for a group of employees with the same leave profile.
Who is this article intended for?
The administrators of the Eurécia platform.
What will be covered?
- Forbidding leave requests for a given period (According to staff leave profile)
- Interdire une période de congés pour un ensemble de salariés (par département, structure liste personnalisée)
Forbidding leave requests for a given period (according to staff leave profile)
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Staff leave profiles
- Click on a staff leave profile.
- In "Staff leave and absence types" you can find the list of all absences assigned to this profile.
- In "Periods of unauthorized staff leave" column, enter the black-out days.
- For example '0112-3112' to forbid to request days during the period 01/12 to 31/12. If you want to enter several periods, separate them with " ; ".
- Save.
When changing settings, only employees sharing the same leave profile will be affected.
Forbidding leave requests for several employees (by department, structure and customized lists)
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Constraints
- Open the "Constraints" menu.
- Add a new constraint "".
- Fill in a name in "English" or "French" or any other required language.
- Choose the constraint type.
- Max. no. of days/hours: Set a maximum number of leave to be taken for a specific type of leave.
- Staff leave not authorized : Forbid to request leave for all employees.
- Min. no. of employees present : Requires a minimum number of staff present on a given period. If less than X people would be present
- Choose the type of absences to be restricted.
- Choose a department and/or a branch and/or a customized list.
- Enter a value if 'Min. no. of employees present' is selected.
- Enter a period to the format JJMM-JJMM, or if there are several periods to the format JJMM-JJMM;JJMM-JJMM.
- Choose the conflict management mode: "Blocking" or "Alert".
- "Save" the changes.
Keywords associated to this article :
Leave and absences - Period - constraints - approval cycle - leave periods - customized list
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