In Eurécia, each employee has a staff leave profile which defines the kind of absences he is entitled to.
An employee changes his work schedule, professional status, collective agreement?
An employee changes from part-time to full-time or inversely?
It may be necessary to assign another leave profile.
Who is concerned by this article ?
Administrators of Eurécia.
Preparatory actions
An employee changes of staff leave/absence profile? Two possibilities :
- Some types remains the same (example: paid leaves)
- Some types changes : Eurécia put the trackers that are not in the new staff leave/absence profile in 'inactive'; you need to reassign entitlements to the new tracker.
Visualize absences types that are not the same
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Open Staff leave and absences profiles
- Compare the actual profile with the future profile
- Note the different absences types
Cancel future absences
Access : Staff leave and absences > Manager View > Request approval
- Select the concerned employee
- Filter on absences types that won't be in the future staff leave and absence profile
- Select status 'All' to display all the requests.
- Select the date of the day in 'Start' to display future absences
- Click on 'Display'
- Click on 'Actions' check
- Then in 'Select all the elements'
- And click on 'cancel' to cancel futures absences.
- Check 'Do not send notification' if you do not want the employee to receive an email and then click on 'confirm'.
Those requests will have to be requested again. |
Assign the new staff leave and absence profile
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Open Employee and users > Open the employee record
- Go to 'Rules'
- In 'Staff leave and absences' assign the new profile to the employee, when doing this, old trackers will be in inactive.
- Save.
If the new staff leave and absences profile assigned give the employee new absences types, the tracker will be created during the night by the software. |
Transfer the balances on the new trackers
Access : Staff leave and absences > Manager View > Team trackers
- In the filter zone, select the employee concerned:
- Select the absence type that does not exist in the new staff leave/absence profile.
- In 'Trackers' select 'All' to display both active and inactive trackers: if there is still a balance of more than 0 on one of these trackers, you just need to copy it:
- Scroll over the three dots on the line of the concerned employee
- In 'Copy Staff Leave Tracker Report' choose the new absence and leave type that will be credited
- Add an adjustment comment
- Check and edit the 'Accrued entitlements' of the new tracker, if necessary
- Save
- Repeat the process for every tracker
Reset the staff leave balance to 0
Access : Staff leave and absences > Manager View > Team trackers
- In the filter zone, select the employee concerned
- Select the absence type that does not exist in the new staff leave/absence profile.
- In 'Trackers' select 'Inactive'
- Inactive trackers appear: if there is still a balance of more than 0 on one of these trackers, and that this one has been transferred in a new leave type, click in it to open the tracker
- Edit 'Entitlements taken' for them to be equal to 'Accrued entitlements', the tracker will be equal to 0
- Add a adjustment comment
- Save
Recreate the requests on the new tracker.
Access : Staff leave and absences> Manager view > Request approval
- Display the cancelled leaves in the future and filter on:
- The concerned employee
- The inactive absence type
- Status 'All' (to display absences requests previously cancelled)
- Enter the date of the day in 'Start' column
- Duplicate requests that had been cancelled to recreate them more easily and without the risk of error in copying:
- In each duplicated absence, edit the absence type in order to choose the new one or any other absence type in which the employee has days left.
- Check 'Do not send email notification' if you do not want your employee to receive an email.
- Depending the initial status of the request, click on 'Approve' or 'Submit for approval' or simply 'Save' if it is a provisional request.
- Repeat the process for each inactive absence type
Keywords associated to this article :
Staff leave/absence profile - employee - team trackers - absences types - leave requests
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