When an employee performs overtime hours over a week (reported on the time-sheets) they can be transferred to a recovery tracker called 'Compensation days'.
The employee will be able to request absences type 'Compensation days' from the Leave and Absences module in order to recover his overtime hours that have not been paid.
Eurécia helps you manage the recovery tracker 'Compensation days', and limits the time during which recoveries can be taken (for example, within 3 months of their acquisition).
Who is concerned by this article ?
Administrators of Eurécia platform.
The recovery tracker
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Staff leave and absences types
If no recovery tracker is configured, you have to create it following this guide: Create or edit an absence or leave type |
- Click on the absence type related to the recovery
- In 'Accrual mode' :
- Remove all automatically accrued rights: the tracker will be supplied with overtime hours declared by the employee and transferred by his Manager
- Check 'Restrict the lifespan of entitlements to less than one year' to reduce the delay
- Fill in the entitlements lifespan in days
- Choose in 'calendar days', or 'standard working days'
Choose the date when it is going to start:
- From 'Time-sheet end date': if the time-sheet ends the 17th of April for example, the employee will have X days from the 17th April to request the recovery even if his manager takes 2 weeks to approve the transfer
- From 'Transfer date' of his entitlements in the concerned tracker: the lifespan only begins when hours are transferred in the tracker by the manager
Check the order in which the recoveries are taken
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Staff leave profiles
Check in the staff leave profiles concerned by those absences that they will be prioritize by period first
- Put 1 in N-1, 2 in N and 3 in N+1 : then, in January for example, if the employee still have recovery hours or days to take, those hours will be prioritize
- Save
Consult lost or expired entitlements
Access : Staff leave and absences > My entitlements
Consult lost entitlements
On the tracker concerned, a '?' button in the 'Days taken' allows to consult the number of lost hours and you can have the details by clicking on it
Consult the details of upcoming expiries
On the tracker concerned, a '?' button in the 'Simulated balance at end of period' allows to indicate the next rights expiring and you can have the details by clicking on it
Keywords associated to this article :
Entitlements - recovery - compensation days - expiration - lifespan -
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