Eurécia offers two ways to deduct leaves submitted for approval.
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A leave submitted to approval has to immediately impact the leave balance (predefined process)
With this process, as soon as the leave request is submitted, the trackers are impacted. The same entitlement to leave may not be the object of several requests.
This option allows employees to only ask for the entitlements they have actually accrued.
They can submit for approval a request only if the request can be approve by the manager, because the employee have sufficient entitlements.
it is the same process for entitlements transfer from a tracker to another.
As soon as the request is made, the entitlements are "blocked" and can no longer be placed on another request.
Example : an employee has a balance of 10 days on his Paid Leave 2017 tracker, he can request 10 days maximum. If the employee wants to make requests when he no longer has sufficient rights, the software will notify him by a message on the interface.
A leave submitted for approval has to impact the leave balance only when the leave is approved.
With this configuration, the same leave entitlement may be the object of several absence requests.
The first approved request will impact the trackers. Other requests cannot be approved if the entitlements on the concerned trackers are not sufficient. These requests will then have to be rejected or cancelled.
This option allows employees to make several leave requests and to leave it to the manager to approve the one that best suits the team's organization.
While this option has advantages, employees can make many requests without realizing that not all of them can be approved due to lack of sufficient entitlements.
Example: an employee has a balance of 10 days on his Paid Leave 2017 tracker, he will then be able to make several requests for 10 days' absence. Once one of the requests has been approved, the tracker will be empty and the other requests will then have to be rejected or positioned on other absences types. The software will warn the manager that absences cannot be approved by a message on the interface when approving them.
To activate this process in Eurécia software, you need to activate it in the company record, as follows:
Access : Admin Area > General settings > Company > Company record
- Open the company record
- In "Configuration" in 'Leave & absences Settings':
- Un-check "Prevent the same entitlement from being submitted for approval "
- Save
Impact on the requests already made
This does not change anything for requests already made. If the balance of leave allows it, the requests can be approved by the managers.
If the balance is not sufficient, a message such as "The trackers have moved since the submission for validation" will appear to the manager who wants to validate the request.
Keywords associated to this article:
trackers - impact - approval - submitted for approval - requests - managers
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