By default in the software, an employee who is absent for illness, for example, continues to acquire rights to paid leave and Time off in lieu.
Eurécia allows to stop this acquisition when certain type of leaves are requested.
Who is concerned by this article ?
The administrator as responsible of Eurécia configuration.
Configure effects on accrued staff leave in Eurécia
Access : Admin Area > Staff leave and absences > Open Staff leave profile
- Click on the concerned profile
- Click on 'Configuration'
- Go to the first section 'Adjustment effect on accrued staff leave'
- Click on '+ Add impact'
- 'Staff leave type affecting staff leave accrual':
- Choose how many days requested will have an impact on the other absence type (for example, 1 day taken will impact 0.6851 on the other absence type, or 31 days taken will impact 2.0834 on the other absence type)
- Chose the absence type that will have an impact (Click on 'Add type' to add another absence type)
- 'Staff leave type affected' : choose the number of days and the absence type impacted
- 'Deferral period for accrued staff leave ' :
- Indicate a period during which the accumulation will remain unchanged in the column (this allows, for example, to stop the accumulation of paid leave only from the 14th day of illness)
- Choose by affected period or by request.
- 'Deduction limit' : indicate the maximum limit of days deducted per month or per week (this maximum is generally equal to the number of days acquired during the month or week)
- 'Staff leave type affecting staff leave accrual':
Example : effect on accrued paid leaves in case of illness, from the 10th of illness
Impacts on employees' trackers
The adjustment effect will be on the actual tracker of accumulation when requesting a leave.
The impacts can have an effect :
- The day after the end date of the impacting leave: an employee takes 2 days of unpaid leave, his paid leave tracker will be impacted upon his return
- At the accrual date of the tracker impacted (when the accrual mode is automated): an employee is in long-term illness, each month his tracker will be deducted from the days he acquired over the same month in order to cancel the incrementation.
Delete an adjustment effect
To delete an adjustment effect, it is possible:
- To delete the adjustment effect rule and update the trackers concerned manually
- Cancel all impacting leaves requested: during the night, the software will cancel the impacts. The next day, the corrective impact can be removed from the leave profile, but you will have to request the previous requested leave again
Keywords associated to this article :
Adjustment effect - stopper acquisition - accrual - entitlements - paid leaves - illness - unpaid leave - absence incrementation
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